Thursday Summer House League Hockey - ICE3320

Thursday Summer House League Hockey


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Activity Details

Thursday Summer House League Hockey

Meeting Details

Time: 5:45 pm - 6:45 pm
Days: Thu
DON'T USE - Hamilton Center
25th & Lincoln Park Drive
Columbus, IN, 47201


Age older than or equal to 4.00 and younger than or equal to 12.99. The date used for calculating the age is Item Begin Date.
Gender of Female,Male
Transaction date/time after 02/19/24 @ 12:00am and before 06/13/24 @ 5:30pm.
Interface Type of RecTrac,Mobile RecTrac.
Transaction date/time after 02/19/24 @ 12:00am and before 06/06/24 @ 5:00pm.
Interface Type of WebTrac,Mobile WebTrac.

Thursday Summer House League Hockey

Tuesday House League will be held 5:45 - 6:45p.m. House League Nights will consist of 30 minutes of instruction and 30 minutes of cross ice games. No games on Saturday!
In Person Registration: February 19 - One Week After Class Begins, 5:30 p.m.
Web Registration: February 19 - June 5, 5:00 p.m.
No class the week of July 1st and July 24th.


Charge When Not Billed:
Program Fee (Standard Fee): $77.00
Marketing Fee (Standard Fee): $3.00
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